U.P. Environmentalist Named a “Freshwater Hero”

HOUGHTON, MICHIGAN —  Last week, environmental group Freshwater Future announced the winners of their annual Freshwater Hero awards, which they “bestow upon unique and pioneering water protectors in the region.”

Among the recipients of this year’s award is Kathleen M. Heideman of Marquette, Michigan — a writer, artist, and environmentalist who’s been defending clean water and wild places from the dangers of sulfide mining for years. Heideman serves on the board of the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition (UPEC), and works with the Mining Action Group. 

Freshwater Future previously supported Kathleen and her colleagues for their work opposing Upper Michigan’s Aquila Back Forty project, and Eagle Mine.

Freshwater Future recognizes the power of citizen activism, noting that “in every community around the Great Lakes, you’ll find thoughtful, committed residents taking action to protect our lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, shorelines, and drinking water. Small, individual actions can make a big difference, and at Freshwater Future we’re inspired by those who devote their time to making things better. It’s this collective involvement that helps keep our waters safe, clean, and accessible to all.”

Freshwater Future is a watershed-wide organization dedicated to “supporting the needs of community-based groups” who work to protect Great Lakes land and water resources.

Kathleen M. Heideman, photo by Christine Saari

Each year, Freshwater Future awards recognizes “a handful of the good people doing good things to protect the water in our Great Lakes region. From social justice activists in Detroit, Michigan to tribal leaders on the remote shores of Lake Superior, every one of these Freshwater Heroes is not only working to safeguard their water, but also caring for the people in their communities and serving as an inspiration to us all.”

“I applaud Kathleen’s diligent efforts, working along with other talented individuals in the Mining Action Group. She urges us to work collaboratively, and stay vigilant. She understands that what we have up here are not merely natural resources, but the wild and sustaining essence of our lives,” said Horst Schmidt, president of the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition.




Mission of the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition

Founded in 1976, the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition’s purpose remains unchanged: to protect and maintain the unique environmental qualities of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan by educating the public and acting as a watchdog to industry and government. UPEC is a nonprofit, registered 501(c)(3) organization. For more information, call 906-201-1949, see UPenvironment.org, or contact: upec@upenvironment.org.

Mission of the UPEC Mining Action Group
The UPEC Mining Action Group (MAG), formerly known as Save the Wild U.P., is a grassroots effort to defend the clean water and wild places of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula from the dangers of sulfide mining. Contact the Mining Action Group at info@savethewildup.org or call (906) 662-9987. Learn more about the Mining Action Group at miningactiongroup.org.