Clean Water Petition

Four bills introduced to the Michigan House on Nov. 3, 2011 (House Bills 5149-5151 and 4736) must be passed to protect the largest source of above-ground freshwater in the world, the Great Lakes and their feeder water system inside the State of Michigan, from use by hydraulic fracturing companies seeking to drill for natural gas in Michigan shale. A moratorium must delay drilling until impact studies are completed by the EPA and Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources and Department of Environmental Quality. Sign here:

2 thoughts on “Clean Water Petition

  1. I appreciate the efforts of those concerned about keeping our good Michigan water. We can not afford anything but good water. So testing does need to be done to be absolutely sure the fracturing won’t adversely affect the ground water. If the tests show favorable results so be it. Continue then. If not, stop. One would think the U.P. sand acts as a huge buffer and filter and there’s a lot of sand in our area so is there adequate natural filtering available?. So I remain in favor of testing for the assurance that our U.P. water, especially north of U.S.41 to the mine, remains fresh, clean, drinkable and available for animals and humans to enjoy. (906) 361-3325

  2. What would make us think any bill trying to protect Michigan’s fresh water would have a chance as long as the same people who said “Yes” to Rio Tinto and sulfide mining are still in charge?