Lake Superior Day July 18: Waffle Breakfast In Big Bay

There are many ‘cool’ ways of celebrating Lake Superior Day – Sunday, July 18th and we’re making it easy for you to decide.

Take a break from “Hiawatha” to have breakfast in Big Bay!

Enjoy a delicious Waffle Breakfast ( eggs, sausage and fruit, too) and served with fresh roasted Dead River Coffee. Serving from 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the Powell Township School – so yummy and a fundraiser for Freshwater Future, YMCA Youth Kayaking and Save the Wild U.P.

If you’re too full to hike, join the Group “Paddle Independence” at 1:00 p.m. (connected to Lake Superior and safer). If you need a boat, reserve one for a reduced rate from the Outfitters by calling Bill at 345-9399.

Highly recommended: Blueberry picking on the Yellow Dog Plains – they’re ripening every day, then later, a dip in the Big Lake or the Yellow Dog River  to cool off!

How sweet it is!

Tickets for the breakfast on sale at the SWUP office or Big Bay Outfitters for $8.00, Kids for $5.00, and under 5 years old are free.  Call for information 228-4444, or if you are interested in volunteering to help with this event.

2010 0624 POSTER Waffle Fundraiser

One thought on “Lake Superior Day July 18: Waffle Breakfast In Big Bay

  1. I have lived in the UP most of my life. I do not think it is necessary to destroy one of the most beautiful areas left in our country for a few jobs. We have been fooled to believe that things that people create are better than what nature creates. Most medicines are made from the knowledge of plants interactions with our bodies discovered long ago by our ancestors. This way of life we have been taught may sooner or later bring upon destruction of mankind. We have gotten used to wanting everything new and shiny, operating smoothly and don’t understand that good enough is good enough. Do we need that new best 800cc fourwheeler with a huge pricetag when the 400cc twisted the driveshaft off? People can’t see the violent weather throughout much of our country. They don’t know that the forests remove energy from the wind so tornados don’t form. They don’t understand that our trees stabalize the soils and stop landslides or sinkholes. They can’t see these things because they don’t want to look. We have gotten so used to the trees that we forgot how great they are, and started thinking the decendants of the cave dwellers that now live in those city highrises, are the same as us. That way of life, constantly looking only at humans and a few pets, is not us. We like looking at life of all kinds and that’s why we live here in the woods. We have forgotten that mother nature is needed for our survival. A farmer doesn’t grow anything, he just steers it’s growth. The earth spent billions of years changing metals into crystals so we could live and we want to change it back to metal again. Recycling is at it’s best if we recycle something so it doesn’t have to be remade. We have destroyed much of what was made to last for a long time and replaced it with things that are meant to die or become obsolete in a few years so you have to rebuy it.