UP Fan Club Welcomes You

The UP Fan Club welcomes all residents, friends, relatives and visitors to join as one voice in proclaiming devotion to the health and well-being of this superior peninsula. You will be among friends who share the care and concern for this precious place. It’s easy to become a ‘member’ free of charge or obligation. Either

1. Write a brief note or short story, if you wish, about living, recreating or traveling in the wild UP, in the comment box below. Click “post comment” to save the message onto our website. You do not need to include your name unless you want it published on our site. Your email address is held confidential, and will not be shared or used outside of SWUP, and/or

2. At the bottom of our website home page, click on ‘Join our Action E-list” and receive periodic updates, news and information about issues affecting the Upper Peninsula. And while you are there, also select “Tell a Friend” and help us outreach like-minded citizens around the globe.

As we develop the UP Fan Club, still in its early stages, we welcome your thoughts and ideas about a future online network, where folks from across the globe can share stories about the UP, 24 hours a day. It’s an exciting idea so stay tuned for further developments.

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