Public Meeting: Michigan Great Lakes Restoration and Protection Initiative

LANSING, MI (September 30, 2008) – The Superior Watershed Partnership in cooperation with Northern Initiatives and Lt. Gov. John Cherry today announced that a public input meeting will be held in Marquette on October 13, 2008 at 7pm in the Great Lakes rooms of the University Center on the campus of Northern Michigan University.  This meeting is being held to gather local regional input for Michigan’s Great Lakes Restoration and Protection Initiative.  In June of this year, Lt. Governor Cherry joined the Michigan Office of the Great Lakes and Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) to announce the Initiative in Lansing which has since led watershed alliances, sportsmen’s organizations, tribal entities and other non-governmental and governmental stakeholders to participate in developing a framework for a comprehensive restoration and protection plan for Michigan.  Part of the framework involves gathering regional priorities for the plan.

The Superior Watershed Partnership’s Executive Director, Carl Lindquist said that the October 13 meeting is crucial for the region’s involvement in Great Lakes issues.  “The Watershed Partnership is pleased to help sponsor this event that gives residents of the Upper Peninsula a more active role in prioritizing Great Lakes issues and opportunities in Michigan” said Lindquist.  “Upper Peninsula concerns are not always the same as Lower Michigan. This is especially true regarding the Great Lakes. This meeting is a great opportunity to influence a new state-wide strategy for Great Lakes restoration”.

Northern Initiatives President, Dennis West, emphasized the important role that the Great Lakes play in the Upper Peninsula economy.  According to Mr. West, “a framework for protecting and restoring the Great Lakes is a perfect opportunity to use a Triple Bottom Line lens.  The interplay between the economy, the environment and the aspirations’ of people is an important contribution to a framing dialogue”.

The Superior Watershed Partnership and Northern Initiatives have worked with MUCC and the Office of the Great Lakes to sponsor the event and ensure that a wide variety of local stakeholders will show up to contribute their concerns and priorities for regional restoration and protection.  The meeting will take place in the Great Lakes rooms of the University Center on the campus of Northern Michigan University at 7:00 p.m. on October 13, 2008. For questions please contact the Superior Watershed Partnership at 906-228-6095 or Northern Initiatives at: 228-5571.

Discussion questions for outreach meetings

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