Author Eric Hansen to give Presentation on Sulfide Mining in Wisconsin

Stand By Your Land

Award-Winning Author, Noted Hiker Eric Hansen Will Present the Keynote Address for the Wisconsin Sierra Club Autumn Assembly on October 11 in Wisconsin Dells
His Theme Will Be:

Stand By Your Land:
Wisconsin and the U.P.; The Powerful Storylines of Our Iconic Landscapes and the Citizens Campaigns That Have Defended Them

Hansen will offer his thoughts on the land, its compelling themes and its almost mythic place in the imagination of people throughout the Midwest. He will also describe the robust citizens campaigns that secured protection for the Porcupine Mountains — and shielded Wisconsin waters from ill-advised proposals for metallic sulfide mining. Hansen believes those notable successes hold key lessons for our current challenge: defending the U.P., our region’s spiritual homeland, from dangerous metallic sulfide mining.

Hardly the first Wisconsinite to be mesmerized by the U.P., Hansen notes the role that famed conservationist Aldo Leopold played in preserving the Porcupine Mountains. He also cites the timeless wisdom of Fran Van Zile’s insight during the Wisconsin campaign against metallic sulfide mining: “The issue is not mining, the issue is water.”

Hansen walked 1,700 memorable miles while researching his twin guidebooks: Hiking Michigan’s Upper Peninsula – A Guide to the Greatest Hiking Adventures in the U.P. and Hiking Wisconsin.

See this url for event details:

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