2 thoughts on “Ckeck out the EPA’s new web page!

  1. From what I just read on the EPA web page, it appears to me that the EPA is positoning itself to support Kennecott’s eagle mine in the U.P. Is this so? How can this be after all that is known about Kennecott,and the Flambeau mine alone!! Even the Federal government is failing US! With all the “talk” of taking care of beautiful EARTH in this day and age!! How about news agencies?
    NBC goes to the North Pole to shed light on Globle warming. What about the fresh water and the GREAT LAKES!!!!

  2. Actually, the EPA/Region 5’s new webpage can be very useful for our public input and also to contact them directly (the listed e-mail and phone numbers for Ross Micham and Dr. Stephen Roy at the EPA Region 5 office in Chicago) concerning this isssue. As you may recall, I had done some of the initial “research” on those individuals involved at the Region 5 last Spring, and posted their e-mail addresses on this website…The Federal EPA has been useful in providing updated information; and it appears they have also carefully scrutinized Kennecott’s Eagle Project and “insufficient info” on that corporation’s permit requests, which continue to delay any final permit action this year…(See the coverage by Jerry Hume about this EPA delay on wluctv6.com’s website today, Sept. 10,’08. You can also provide written e-mail commentary to that website too.)
    So, although I do not trust RioTinto/Kennecott, I am hopeful that delays by the EPA are important–as hopefully, there will also be a change in the American government after November 4th–and that these environmental agencies, both in the State of Michigan (DNR and DEQ) and the Federal EPA will suffer less pressure from those anti-environmental, “Bush-appointed types” who have been in power for the past eight years…and that environmental issues, with an increase and support for new, sustainable technology, etc., will undergo a substantial increase in interest and support, as well as protection of our natural resources and clean water in the USA> Therefore, I applaud both Ross Micham and Dr. Stephen Roy for creating this useful website and also for “riding herd” on Kennecott’s incomplete paperwork–and by not giving this potential metallic sulfide mining project an OK for permits.
    You can also use this new EPA/Region 5 website to contact them directly, with your questions and comments, which I suggest that we do, as necessary.
    For example, won’t the Kirkland Warbler and also the Coaster Brook Trout possibly be “endangered” at the proposed mining sites? I thought these two species were threatened…Please note the “Endangered Species Act” section of this EPA (Eagle Project) website (on page 2, when printed out)…Questions should be raised how “a UIC permit may affect a threatened species” (and their habitat/watershed)…
    Please remember that these State and Federal agencies are supposed to working for the common good, protection and safety of our environment. Our taxes pay for them to exist–ergo, use them to help meet these goals. Without our considered input, and opinions, both in writing and public meetings, make your feelings and information/questions be known to these agencies…And support those groups who are also involved with these important issues.