No funds left for clean-up

From the Muskegon Chronicle (2/9/08)

“LANSING — The state Department of Environmental Quality has run out of money for toxic-site cleanups and brownfield-redevelopment projects.

“That’s not good for public health and the environment and municipalities that want to reinvigorate contaminated areas in their community,” DEQ Director Steven Chester said.”

Click here for the full article

2 thoughts on “No funds left for clean-up

  1. It is so infuriating that the DEQ will no longer take applications for new clean-ups but takes applications for new projects from the very same industries that created the toxic messes that we can no longer afford to address. Something NEEDS TO CHANGE!!

  2. As Bart Stupak said, their is no indication the state will even have the funds to keep track of Kennecott. Here is proof