Citizens Disrupt Kennecott’s Community Advisory Group

In an effort to symboli ze Citizen’s frustrations with Kennecott’s policy of only allowing citizens to ask questions to individuals during bathroom breaks at Community Advisory Group meetings, local citizens present at Kennecott’s recent meeting stood up and demanded that Kennecott and the board listen to their questions, concerns and comments.  

Many citizens were dismayed that, while Kennecott intended to outline its plans, at the meeting, for building a road going from the Eagle Project, toward Humboldt, and plans to mill its product in Humboldt, that the company waited until DEQ and DNR approval to announce these initiatives.  State agencies did not require information regarding transportation, power and processing in Kennecott’s application.  Also, the public was never briefed on these new projects or given an opportunity to comment on them as they were being formulated.  The State has allowed Kennecott to keep secret its plans for road construction, ore processing and power.  This has afforded Kennecott the ability to minimize the public’s perceived impact of its proposed mining project.

The citizen action was organized by Yellow Dog Summer, which intends to rally the massive regional citizen opposition to Kennecott’s Eagle Project through a series of events.  According to one member, “Our State agencies and Governor have abrogated a mandate to protect Michigan’s natural resources and the public trust. Yellow Dog Summer believes the decision now rests with the public.” Yellow Dog Summer follows strict rules of non-violence developed by the Women’s Peace Camp at Seneca, New York, in 1983:

* Our attitude will be one of openness and respect toward anyone we encounter;
* We will not engage in physical or verbal violence toward anyone we encounter;
* We will not bring or use any drugs or alcohol other than for medical purposes;
* We will carry no weapons; and
* We will not run

Click here to read an article about the meeting 

Click here to read and watch TV-6 coverage of the meeting 

Click here to read more about the group, Yellow Dog Summer

2 thoughts on “Citizens Disrupt Kennecott’s Community Advisory Group

  1. YES! Seems there is some fight brewing in the veins of Yoopers. Perhaps the PEOPLE can still stop this juggernaut!


  2. THIS IS GREAT! We need more actions like this to stop the mine. Just because the permits have been granted doesn’t mean we can’t act.