
Note to our supporters: Your donation to the Mining Action Group helps ensure that our wild lands and clean waters are protected from the hazards of sulfide mining for future generations. The Mining Action Group — previously known as Save the Wild U.P. — merged with the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition (UPEC) at the close of 2016. Our name has changed, but our work continues, and your contributions supporting grassroots activism are still gratefully accepted!


Effective immediately, please direct your donation as follows:

Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition
Attention: “UPEC Mining Action Group
P.O. Box 673
Houghton, MI 49931

Contributions to the Mining Action Group are a wise investment in the future of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and the Great Lakes. Your financial support helps us continue to raise awareness about the hazards of sulfide mining, engaging more concerned citizens to become actively involved in protecting the health of our communities, wild lands and clean water.

Now that we’ve joined forces with the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition, a member-based organization founded in 1976 to help protect the Upper Peninsula’s great places, we hope you’ll become a member of UPEC. For a minimum donation of $25, you’ll receive an automatic annual UPEC membership, updates on the Mining Action Group’s work, a free one year subscription to UPEC’s quarterly newsletter, and a free invitation to attend UPEC’s annual “Celebrate the U.P.” event. UPEC is registered 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Or make a one-time contribution of any size:

We can’t do it without you! Thanks for your generous support.