2 thoughts on “County Road Commission To Build Haul Road For Kennecott

  1. Why are our government putting in this road? How much is our local government going to get from this deal. It doesn’t seem that any taxpayer should foot one cent of this bill. These kind of things are why our government is broke. These kind of things are happening all over our country. Just because they have been doing it that way for years doesn’t make it right

  2. Why did Kennecott make their TDRSA (temporary storage area for the acid generating rock) 50% larger? Does the DNRE actually believe that they did this because Kennecott wants to spend 50% more building an impoundment to hold the same amount of material? Maybe Kennecott screwed up the (very basic) calculation of how much acid generating material will be required to develop the mine. By the way, they moved this stockpile much closer to the river AND because it’s larger the stockpile will be on the surface for a longer amount of time before it’s backfilled. Doesn’t sound like a minor permit revision to me. Think about it. Somebody needs to ask some questions…